What's New ~ — virtual jewelry party

Host an Online Facebook Jewelry Party

Facebook facebook fundraiser facebook group Free jewelry fundraiser Jewelry party Online party virtual jewelry party virtual party

Host an Online Facebook Jewelry Party

Here’s a fun way to stay social while we wait for everything to open back up - host a virtual party!

It’s simple-

you invite friends

they shop through my website

15% of sales goes to you towards free jewelry or to your charity of choice

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Special Fundraiser

Facebook facebook group facebook jewelry party fundraiser online jewelry party virtual jewelry party virtual party

Special Fundraiser

I’ve found a fun way to help raise money for some great causes.  In trying to come up with new ways to show my jewelry in the world of social distancing and cancelled events, I've ventured into the realm of Virtual Jewelry Parties.  I've been having a fun time "hanging out" online and it has been a great distraction from all the worry.

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